Cool Facebook statuses are fun to post. Tell your facebook friends how good you are feeling today make good sense when you share cool statuses on facebook and say cool thoughts you spread positive waives in your circle. Now beautiful stickers on facebook for fun. facebook allow users to engage them along with the post quotes to make them best while posting as status on facebook.
These are the most common and popular facebook status updates for facebook. These updates are funny, humorous. if you want to amuse people them setting a status accordingly is a good idea. you can also search on Google for cool facebook status. you can directly visit our site for lot of facebook statuses.

- Coooooooooooool.
- Boy's are cool Girls are hot.
- Girls are idiot except one/
- She love me but i love her who are very beautiful.
- Our mom always said us do't write on walls but you can wrote on facebook.
- Today is only day of our life.
- For you men who think a woman’s place is in the kitchen, remember.. that’s where the knives are kept.
- Some of my friends are like a slinky – completely useless, but fun to push down stairs.
- Is On The Toilet (>_<) (o_o) (0_0) ~ (^_^) Ahhhhhhhh That`s Better.
- I wake up when I cant hold my pee in any longer.
- I’m pretty sure the best thing about Facebook is the ability to read other people’s fights.
- I’ve been using Google for 10 years and I have no idea who uses the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button.
- Looking at people’s mutual friends and saying “OMG HOW DO YOU KNOW THEM”
- LIKE if you have that one friend that Laughs at everything. Even when it’s not funny.
- “Was that lightning?!” “No, they’re taking pictures for Google earth…”
- Telling someone that you’re going to bed, When you’re actually not, and then having to hold back from posting things on Facebook.
- If you don’t do stupid things while you’re young, you’ll have nothing to smile about when you’re old.
- If they have an Ice Cream Truck for kids, why don’t that have a Beer Truck for adults?
- That awkward moment when someone *Likes* One of your Very old Facebook statuses and you think “Creeper”.
- The best feature of the iPhone is the feature that keeps you from getting pushed in the pool.
These are the most common and popular facebook status updates for facebook. These updates are funny, humorous. if you want to amuse people them setting a status accordingly is a good idea. you can also search on Google for cool facebook status. you can directly visit our site for lot of facebook statuses.